Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Road to Conception

IUI Cycle Number 1

This is my very first post and also the reason why I decided to create a blog.
Mike and I have been married for 4 years now and we have been trying to conceive for 11 months with no success.

We went to see a fertility clinic back in September, to check that everything was fine, and all tests came back ok. The doctor told us to keep trying until February, and if still not pregnant,to see him again to discuss about the next step.

Here we are, it is early March, and still no BFP (Big Fat Positive) on the pregnancy test. After consulting again, the doctor said that we have 2 options: Laparoscopy for me, because I had appendicitis when I was 10 so there may be some scar tissue in my tubes, though we saw nothing during the HSG.

Second choice is trying IUI for a couple of times, before laparoscopy.
Well, we chose IUI because laparoscopy does not sound too much fun.

So here is how it goes:

My cycle started Saturday (March 4th) and so I had to call as early as possible to schedule a first sonogram within the first 5 days of my cycle.

We had that appointment today and they checked my uterus, ovaries and the follicles produced. Doctor said so far so good, lining looks great, follicles also. We ordered treatment for the IUI procedure, and so tomorrow, I  should get a lovely package at my door full of goodies.

We will have gonal injections, and ovidrelle.
Gonal injections will be injected by Dear Husband Himself because let's be honest here, that girl is no trooper and needles are no friends of mine. He will have to inject me 3 times on my belly. We will start the first Friday evening, then second one Sunday evening, and last one Tuesday evening.

Before that, starting tomorrow (Wednesday March 8), I will take Clomid pills,1 a day for 5 days. After those 3 gonal shots, on Wedneday March 15th, I will go back for a second sonogram and they will check the growth of my follicles. If they are long enough, they will give me the last shot (ovidrelle) to trigger ovulation, and I will go back Thursday or Friday for the insemination.

Here you go, you have the whole schedule of my wombs' adventures.

I will of course update along the way on the next sonogram, and IUI procedure.

So far, so good, nothing crazy yet... until them needles show up tomorrow:D, then I can't guarantee my sanity.

So Baby Number 1, HERE WE GO!

Here is the schedule of the treatment, in case you will go through the same experience and are as curious as I was.

Alright, Today is Thursday March 9th, and here is a little update:

Received the goodies yesterday at my door, like the pharmacy had said.

So Gonal injections (in a pen), ovidrelle injection (in a pen), progesterone suppositories, and a mini trash can for the needles. Also some rubbing alcohol pads and sponges.

Yesterday was also the first day for taking Clomid. 4 more to go.

And, finally, yesterday was also a great day (NOT) dealing with the doctor's office and insurance. So today, I have to call the doctor's office back because insurance is requesting a Medical Necessity Letter from him. (I am just making it short because we all have to deal with Administration fun).

On the phone, the lady from the insurance goes: " Yes ma'am, you see, we need that letter because we do not know why you are doing IUI".

And I had to hung up before losing it, because, well, I thought this was obvious. I mean, I want to do IUI because I always dreamed of having my husband give me injections in my stomach. And then, having the doctor insert a catheter inside my womb and introduce a needle full of my husband's semen seems dreamy to me. Doesn't it?


Saturday, March 11th 2017

Yesterday was time for the first shot of Gonal into my stomach.

We took the pen out of the fridge 30 minutes before injecting and did it at 6.15pm.

It was honestly nothing at all.

We even tried to make it a little funny :)

Sunday March 19th 2017 UPDATE

Let me tell you how the rest of the iui process went.

On Wednesday the 15th was scheduled my second sonogram to check my lining and and the follicles. However, on Tuesday I took an ovulation test and the line was quite dark so I called the office and they asked me to come to check everything. I was reassured that I had not ovulated yet and the follicles were still growing. I had to take the last Gonal injection that evening like planned. My follicles were 11 mm on the right side and 16 and 15 I believe on the left side.

So Wednesday the 15th I went to the last sonogram and it's amazing how the follicles had grown so much compared to the day before.
Right side was 16mm I believe, and on the left side I had 18mm and 20mm, and the lining was perfect (7.4mm and the day before was 7mm).

They did another blood test, and also gave me the very last shot of all to trigger ovulation. I made an appointment for Thursday morning for the actual IUI.

We dropped off the specimen at 9am, were a little worried it would not be enough (FYI, the cup is pretty big), and then they told us to come pick it up around 10 and IUI was at 10.15am.

We sat in the room waiting for the doctor and wondering if the semen was good, and doctor came in congratulating husband saying he did "a fantastic job" and that the count was great and everything looked good.
If you are wondering, after the wash, he said he was injecting the equivalent of a teaspoon and we had 26.06 million. ( The minimum must be over 9 million).

Doctor inserted a very thin catheter, which felt exactly like a pap smear, just like the nurse had told me the day before, to my big relief, and he injected everything. I led down for 10 minutes, got dressed and off to Denny's for brunch we went.

As you can see, I decided to take it easy and I took the day off from work, away from the craziness. After that we came home watched TV for the most part, until we BD in the evening like the doctor suggested, and then again on Friday.

And now we wait.... for 2 weeks, til I go for the blood test. Until then,  I have to insert progesterone suppositories every night.

Oh, and last but not least, I got awesome girlfriends who had a bouquet of flowers delivered at my door to brighten my day :)

2 Week Wait Update (April 3rd 2017)

On Saturday the 25th, for some reason I got the feeling that I was pregnant. Not too many symptoms but nonetheless I kinda knew. I was only 9 dpo.
I woke up in the middle of the night from Saturday to Sunday and could not go back to sleep. I was in a euphoria, convinced I was pregnant and would not calm down.
Of course, on Sunday morning I took a test and there was the faintest line.
No need to tell you about my excitement here even though I was a little anxious it was still due to the trigger shot.

Monday morning, I took another one and the line got slightly darker:

I also had symptoms such as bloating and slight cramping, and feeling queasy,or uncomfortable after eating. I just knew it.

I went to the clinic on Thursday morning for my blood test, and they called me at 2.30 pm with the GOOD NEWS, and said that the baby is due on December 7th.

I told Mike on Thursday evening (he had no clue til then since I told him we were going to the clinic for the blood test on April 1st).

And here is how I told him:

A good friend of mine, who is quite the artist had prepared this. How cute is that???

Today, I go again to the clinic to check that my Beta has increased. I am 4 weeks and 4 days, and according to my app, the baby is the size of a poppy seed :)